Panacea Health App

Panacea Health App came into being to help Memory71 in its mission to maximize the health and wellbeing of the people of the community through the continuous provision of healthcare resources, services and programs. To cater to the need for responsive healthcare services, Panacea Health App uses innovative solutions that incorporate digital technologies in order to reduce inefficiencies in healthcare delivery, improve access, reduce costs, increase quality, and make medicine more personalized and precise.

Panacea Health App in the news

ATN Bangla News

This innovative app will provide services on various health issues, including mental health. People seeking health services will be registered using facial recognition and data entry of personal information. For consultations and even to be prescribed, video conferencing with concerned doctors and specialists will be enabled.

Panacea Health App aims to make rural residents its target users, as they often experience barriers to healthcare that limit their ability to obtain the care they need. For rural residents to have sufficient access to healthcare, necessary and appropriate services must be available and obtainable in a timely manner. They also require:

  1. Means to reach and use services, such as transportation to services which may be located at a distance;
  2. Confidence in their ability to communicate with healthcare providers, particularly if the patient has poor health literacy;
  3. Confidence in their ability to use services without compromising privacy; and
  4. Confidence in the quality of the care that they will receive.

By using Panacea Health App, health service-seeking people will be able to access:

  • Smart Care, which will improve patient outcomes and lower the cost of healthcare using precision medicine, AI and medical data analysis;
  • Care Anywhere, which will see healthcare move closer to the home, through advances in the connected home and virtual care, which will also help broaden access;
  • Empowered Care, through the development of “living services”, which will enable people to take a more active role in managing their own well-being and healthcare; and
  • Intelligent Health Enterprises, which will provide data-driven solutions that enable healthcare workers and their enterprises to maximize their efficiency and allow patient health to be monitored more effectively in real time.

The viability of Panacea Health App is on its way to being verified; its trial run began in Jamalpur, Mymensingh in November 2019 through organizing free health service camps, where residents of the district will be able to avail all the services offered by Panacea Health App. The app is due to be released next year.